Thursday, March 21, 2013

March 20, 2013: Planting Trees

Spanish school Jabel Tinamit has started a program to encourage illiterate indigenous women in rural areas to learn to read.  The women who participate in literacy classes are eligible to receive donated fruit trees that will help provide their families with a source of food and possible income.

Spanish student Helene from Canada has purchased 60 trees (avocado, lime, orange, plum, peach) and is waiting to deliver these gifts to 15 women in the program.  She has generously offered to let me come along in the picop.
A proud recipient of four fruit trees smiles for us.

Candelaria explains how to care for the trees.

This boy is digging a hole where we will plant one of the trees.

Helene poses with a grateful recipient.

Another family receives trees.

These girls find shelter from the rain as they watch the trees being planted.

Observers from the roof of a house

Another family receives trees as the literacy teacher  (on right side of the photo below) explains something in the local language, kaqchikel.

A girl marvels at the tree that will eventually provide her family with limes.

Along the way, Candelaria admires these calla lilies. The woman who owns the property happily sells the flowers, as well as two roosters, to Candelaria.

These pictures are very hazy because of rain and the smoke from burning cornfields.