Sunday, July 6, 2014

June 25-June 30, 2014: Nos Vemos, Guatemala!

Adiós, champurradas y gusanitos.

Donna models her new top.
A little yoga before dinner

Best enchiladas verdes!

Nahualá pillowcase

Kristin and I can't stop buying huipiles.

Las dos Anas

Tzanjuyú dock in Panajachel

La nariz del indio/el rostro maya in San Juan la Laguna

Amigas at Café el Artesano Wine & Cheese

Prosciutto-wrapped cheese

Adiós, tuc-tucs.

Adiós, lanchas.

Adiós, Jabel Tinamit!

Candelaria announces a game for our despedida.

Jeff sings and dances.

Elizabeth thanks Gladys.

Jeff receives a despedida gift.

Sam receives a certificate for studying Spanish.

Max shows his certificate.

Kristin's new, better-fitting huipil

Alyssa designs her own boots.

Kristin shares a treasured bottle of wine with Donna and me.

Last meal at Chero's

Adiós, curtido y escabeche.

Gifts of rum from Chero

Francisco models a backpack he made for me.

Gerardo displays a bag he made.

Ready to be stored at Ramón's house

Don't mess with Amanda's Pringles!

My little piece of Panajachel

Saturday party at Erin's and Iko's great new house

Denver drops in from Houston!

Walking home from Erin's

Helene's pretty shirt

Final Panajachel sunrise

Adiós, beautiful Lago de Atitlán!

Ava holds Yoda while Amanda rests on the way to Antigua.

Signs in the Posada de San Carlos bathroom

Pastores boots!

Ava performs at Rainbow Café in Antigua.

Shrimp fettucine at Epicure

Pool at the Porta in Antigua

Where's the celery?  Where's the pickled green bean?  Kristin, come back!!

Dinner with Max and Sam at the Porta Hotel in Antigua

My crazy boots